Bekins of South Florida, a leading
moving company in Fort Lauderdale is partnering with Feed My Community, a food drive that takes place in South Palm Beach County. Hunger continues to be a large issue and a growing problem in the community. In an effort to defeat this growing issue, Feed My Community was created to help combat hunger in South Florida. The event will take place from September 9 thru September 15. Donations will go to Boca Helping Hands, CROS Ministries, Jacobson Family Food Pantry, and the Palm Beach County Food Bank. With September being National Hunger Action month, we are excited to see this event grow faster than imagined. Items that can be donated include:
- Canned pasta meals
- Canned tomato sauce
- Canned meat
- Canned tuna
- Peanut butter
- Canned vegetables
- Canned fruit
- Canned soup
- Dry rice
- Dry beans
Bekins of South Florida is a member of Move for Hunger and a sponsor of Feed my Community. We will be providing labor and transportation on the days of the food drive transporting boxes of food to and from various locations. We will also be donating all the boxes needed for collection of food for the event. Bekins of South Florida has continually been committed to taking care of the needs of the community. Making South Florida a better place to live is one of the driving forces of why we continue to take part in events like Feed My Community. To find out how you can help and donate, visit:
http://moveforhunger.org/feedmycommunity-fooddrive/ http://feedmycommunity.net/
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