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Bekins of South Florida's dedicated office and industrial division leads the industry with specialized staff and equipment. We move entire company offices of hundreds of people to individual departments or small offices. We have a long list of references including Fortune 500 companies, hotels, hospitals and health-care facilities, schools, university and educational facilities, law offices, government, military and many more. Our warehousing, distribution, and installation services are world class!

Office Moves

Bekins of South Florida has forty years of experience in providing office and industrial relocation services. Our dedicated Commercial Move Division consists of ATA Certified Office and Industrial Consultants (COIC) who are trained to handle every type of office and industrial relocation, such as companywide office moves, removal and installation of systems furniture, and the relocation disconnect and reconnect of computer systems.

Our office and industrial services include:

  • Expert facility move consulting
  • Separate Commercial Move Division (including separate crews specializing in office moves only)
  • Dedicated, experienced project management
  • Systems furniture/computer network disassembly and assembly
  • Records/files relocation
  • Employee orientation
  • Comprehensive facility move process
  • Thorough preparation of move sites (including wall-padding and floor protection)
  • Specialized equipment

Systems Furniture Installation

One of the key aspects of facility moving is the physical relocation of a business' office furniture. Many of today's businesses use systems furniture or cubicles in their offices. These are complex structures that typically have computer network and telecommunications cables embedded within their infrastructure. Because of this, they require experienced technicians to dismantle and re-install them.

Our Commercial Move Division's team of professionals is experienced in relocating and installing all types of systems furniture, whether the move is within your facility or to another building. We can also assist with designing a new floor plan or work alongside your own personnel to create a move plan that coincides with your specific move schedule. We offer space planning, existing and new furniture evaluation, installation and de-installation all under one roof.

Are you ready for a free Office Moving quote? Call us or fill out our simple online form and a Bekins of South Florida representative will assist you immediately. We look forward to hearing from you - contact us now!